
Forgive me my nonsense, for I also forgive the nonsense of those that think they talk sense.

Robert Frost

Hello Everybody!

Welcome to a blog which will exclusively feature the thoughts of me, myself, and I. This blog is like my baby, though I neglect it far more than I would an actual child. That being said, I’ve been holding onto this corner of the internet since I was about 10 or 12. Back then I was really into creative writing and my dad suggested I get a blog in order to feature my stories. Obviously that’s not the game plan anymore. This web page has had so many face lifts that it makes a plastic-surgery fiend look like a newbie. It started as a place to show off my stories and then transformed into some kind of quiz platform, and for a long time I just kinda did whatever with it. Lately though, and by lately I mean the past 5 years, I’ve been treating this as an opinion-based site. So far, this has been the most fun for me since it offers a chance for me to get my thoughts and ideas out into the world, while also knowing that only six people will actually read it.

When I was younger, I used to hope that my blog would become the most popular site on the internet. Pretty big ambitions for the little tyke that I was. I would get excited at every new follower and depressed when I realized no one would really ever see anything. Eventually I let all of this go, and now I mainly maintain this blog to suit my own leisure. It is something I do for fun and as a hobby. I still give this site periodic face lifts, but as a whole I feel as though I’m moving toward something more consistent. I know that the only person who really cares about the aesthetics of my website is me, but I can still be prideful in what I put out into the world.

So, while nothing is set in stone, this is what I have and I am happy with it. I fight the daily urge to tear down each post and start anew. Nothing is perfect, because I’m not perfect. I forget to proofread and often times I work on things late at night, so they look crummy. Eventually I figure things out though, seeing as I still make edits to posts that were literally made in 2014.

I’m looking forward to the future of this website, and the many changes that are sure to occur. You can look at my personal blog here, The Saga of Me. While it bears a dramatic title, I mainly write personal anecdotes as well as a writing prompt every now and again. Basically, if I don’t feel like it fits under this blog’s umbrella, I put it there.

Now that I’ve babbled for an appropriate length, I wish all six of you a happy day (or night). I hope you all do something that makes you happy.

Happy reading,

Maddison C. Jones

Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.

J.K. Rowling

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